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Government Study Finds Sucralose Causes Leukemia

A new study published by the International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health has warned consumers that one of the most popular sugar alternatives ‘Splenda’, also known as sucralose, causes leukemia.  The artificial sweetener was fed to mice during a trial, and they developed leukemia and other blood cancers as a result. reports: Nutrition watchdog group Center for Science in the Public Interest is formally recommending that consumers avoid sucralose. Artificial sweetener Splenda is sucralose-based.

Study links Splenda (Sucralose) To Leukemia

An Italian study has linked the artificial sweetener Sucralose, sold as Splenda, to higher risks for leukemia. Researchers say that people should not be using the artificial sweetener, warning of an increased risk for leukemia, as well as an overall risk for cancer. UPI reports: Scientists found Splenda significantly increased the risk for leukemia, as well as other cancers, research that is in line with other studies in recent years.

Study – ADHD Hugely Misdiagnosed, Many Children Are Just Immature

Many Children are being misdiagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and they could just be immature, according to a new study published in the Journal of Paediatrics. About 3 – 7% of children in Britain are believed to have ADHD,  with many of them being prescribed drugs to try and improve their concentration at school. ADHD is a behavioral disorder with symptoms including a poor attention span, impulsivity, and restlessness.

Polish Study Confirms Risk From Vaccines Far Greater Than Benefits

A Polish study conducted in 2012 confirms what many have been saying for a long time, that the risks from vaccines far outweigh any of their perceived benefits. Scientists at the Department of Pediatric Rehabilitation at the Medical University of Bialystok compared a typical childhood vaccination schedule in Poland with those of other countries around the world. They then evaluated the adverse effects associated with the administration of multiple vaccines as well as how individual vaccines affect immunological development and responses.
