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Researchers Now Say Zika Virus May Increase Risk Of Mental Illness

Many will have noticed that the Zika virus publicity front page headline machine had started to wither away. But it’s making a comeback and with some new problems. Experts now say that the Zika virus closely resembles some infectious agents that have been linked to the development of autism, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Truth King reports: But the pharmaceutical ambition to profit from yet another vaccine is highly dependent on our enslavement to the idea that our babies are going to be deformed.

South Dakota Is The 'Sleepiest' State In America

South Dakota Is The 'Sleepiest' State In America

Americans are not getting enough sleep, according to a new report from The CDC. More than one-third of adults in the US get less than the 'required' 7 hours sleep per night, leading to greater chance for obesity, high blood pressure and other diseases related to the digestion of food into energy. Interestingly it is the laid-back Hawaiians that get the least sleep, but South Dakota has the highest percentage of those getting seven hours of sleep each night, at 71.6%.

The Vaccine Fraud Of 1976: Fake Swine Flu And Human Experimentation

The 1976 swine flu outbreak at Fort Dix in New Jersey, resulted in the death of a U.S. soldier. President Gerald Ford initiated a huge immunization effort that resulted in some 45 million Americans getting a swine flu vaccine. Over 500 people subsequently got a rare neurological illness called Guillain-Barre Syndrome, an auto-immune disease that affects the nervous system and can cause paralysis.

JAMA Study Confirms Whistleblower Warning Of Infant Vaccine Damage

A study by the Journal of the American Medical Association has confirmed what a whistle blowing nurse has long been saying : routine hospital vaccine damage is happening to infants. Michelle Rowton of Nurses Against Mandatory Vaccines (NAMV) gave a live interview last month with David Knight of The nurse turned whistleblower spoke about the callous, daily operating procedure that she witnessed in the hospital where she she worked.

1.6 Million Struck Down With Flu In Japan Last Week

The flu season in Japan has struck 1.64 million people who all fell ill with flu symptoms across the country, during a one-week period through February 7, the health ministry has confirmed.  5,995 schools across Japan had to close due to the outbreak in order to prevent further spread of the influenza virus. reports: This year, flu season began in earnest later than the previous several years, but its outbreak is close to reaching levels seen in average years, according to the ministry. During the week before, an estimated 1.07 million people had been diagnosed with flu.
