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Human Interest

DHS Insider: CIA And Mossad Behind DC Pedo Ring

A DHS insider claims that the CIA and Mossad are secretly behind the cover-up of a Washington DC pedophile ring, using their knowledge of politicians involved to blackmail and further their political agendas.  According to a new interview with a Department of Homeland Security agent, over one third of DC politicians are controlled by sexual blackmail, which the CIA and Mossad use to further the Deep State’s goals. reports: Today, we have an exclusive interview with a special DHS insider who has answered some critical questions we have on PizzaGate.

Youtube’s Biggest Personality, PewDiePie, Wrongly Defamed for Being an Anti-Semite

PewdiePie used to do videos about video games, luring 53 million youngsters to subscribe to his channel -- making it the biggest channel on Youtube ever, by a very large margin.

Recently, he's been dropping redpills on his subs, discussing media hypocrisy, with a slight conservative bent. He did a comedy video about Hitler and the result was manufactured outrage, spawned by a Wall Street Journal article and subsequent cancellation of a deal he had with Disney.

Winston Churchill Believed Aliens Are ‘Superior’ To Humans

A newly unearthed essay written by Winston Churchill reveals that the former British prime minister believed in the existence of aliens.  In an unpublished essay “Are We Alone in the Universe?” Churchill states that he believes that extraterrestrial life definitely exists on planets other than Earth. The essay predicts that humans will one day travel to the Moon and to Mars, and suggests that humans are not the highest type of mental and physical beings in this universe.
