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TPP Is Not A Trade Agreement

TPP Is Not A Trade Agreement

The sole purpose of TTP is to give global corporations immunity to the laws of the countries in which they do business. Indeed, TPP allows a private corporation to repeal soverign laws of sovereign countries, which no longer would be sovereign. All a corporation has to do is to sue the country for “restraint of trade” if the corporations’ profits are harmed by the country’s laws. For example, Monsanto could sue France and force the French government to repeal its laws against GMOs.

Soros Floods Democrats With Millions, Warns Trump Of "Consequences"

Following's "success" last Friday, George Soros is back on the lips of an increasing number of Americans as Bloomberg reports, the liberal billionaire, whose effort to unseat President George W. Bush in 2004 shattered political spending records, is returning to big-ticket activism after an 11-year hiatus. Soros has spent or committed more than $13 million to support Hillary Clinton and other Democrats this election cycle and has warned Donald Trump (and Ted Cruz) of "consequences" for their words and actions. Welcome to the Oligarchy.

KKK Leader Says He Backs Hillary Clinton For President

A senior member of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) white supremacist group has said that he endorses Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Will Quigg the “grand dragon” of the KKK’s California chapter told the Telegraph that he was switching his support from Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump to Mrs Clinton because of her “hidden agenda” Press TV reports: Quigg bases his support on his belief that Clinton is making false promises in her presidential campaign. Once she gets elected, he says, her agenda will completely shift. “We want Hillary Clinton to win,” he said.
