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Republican primary

The Differences Between Kasich and Rubio

The Ohio and Florida primaries are tomorrow, but the prospects of the respective “favorite sons” in these states couldn’t be more different. According to the most recent NBC and CBS News polls, Kasich is either leading by several points or tied with Trump for the lead in Ohio, while Rubio trails Trump by more than twenty points in Florida and in the CBS poll even falls behind Cruz into third place at 21%.

Down The Trump Rabbit Hole - Manufacturing Consent

Down The Trump Rabbit Hole - Manufacturing Consent

Down The Trump Rabbit Hole - Manufacturing Consent


Cognitive Dissonance


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We all begin with assumptions, though most of us think of them as truths. Mention the name Donald Trump in a crowded room and you will be on the receiving end of a boat load of opinions; all formed with the benefit of assumptions and preconceived notions customized to each individual’s point of view of how the ‘system’ (aka The Empire) works.

Ben Carson To Endorse Donald Trump On Friday Morning

Ben Carson To Endorse Donald Trump On Friday Morning

If there was still any doubt whether the Trump juggernaut can be stopped before, if not so much after the Michigan primary earlier this week, it can be laid to rest now because shortly after Trump received the endorsement of Chris Christie, the real estate mogul has now secured his second highest profile backing, that of Ben Carson who according to the Washington Post will endorse Trump officially on Friday morning.

Behind The Trump/Sanders "Revolution": Angry White Men

Behind The Trump/Sanders "Revolution": Angry White Men

If the establishment had its way, America would be no country for angry white men. As WSJ reports, Tuesday’s primary elections underscored an emerging, central reality of the 2016 presidential campaign: This is the year of the dissatisfied white male.

Those white males are the voters who propelled Donald Trump to convincing victories Tuesday in Michigan and Mississippi, as they have elsewhere. And, as The Wall Street Journal reports, they may determine whether he can roll on next week in a series of big industrial states.
