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Russell 2000

"What Cracks This Egg?" Morgan Stanley Asks, And Answers: "The Debt Ceiling Worries Us Most"

"What Cracks This Egg?" Morgan Stanley Asks, And Answers: "The Debt Ceiling Worries Us Most"

In the latest Sunday Start report from Morgan Stanley's Andrew Sheets, the bank's chief cross-asset strategist looks at the current state of the market - "the S&P 500, Russell 2000 and NASDAQ have hit all-time highs. Volatility has plunged back down near all-time lows. Credit is tighter and yields have been stable" - and asks the same question posed by virtually everyone else in recent weeks : "what rattles this market. What breaks the egg?"

David Stockman Warns The Market's "Chuck Prince Moment" Has Arrived... "Only More Dangerous"

David Stockman Warns The Market's "Chuck Prince Moment" Has Arrived... "Only More Dangerous"

Authored by David Stockman via Daily Reckoning,

On July 10, 2007 former Citigroup CEO Chuck Prince famously said what might be termed the “speculator’s creed” for the current era of Bubble Finance. Prince was then canned within four months but as of that day his minions were still slamming the”buy” key good and hard:

“When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will be complicated. But as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance. We’re still dancing,” he said in an interview with the FT in Japan.

The Dangerous Season Begins Now

The Dangerous Season Begins Now

Authored by Dmitri Speck via,

Old Truism

Readers are surely aware of the saying “sell in May and go away”. It is one of the best-known and oldest stock market truisms.

And the saying is justified. In my article “Sell in May and Go Away – in 9 out of 11 Countries it Makes Sense to Do So” in the May 01 2017 issue of Seasonal Insights I examined the so-called Halloween effect in great detail.

High Yield IED

High Yield IED

Submitted by Michael Lebowitz of 720 Global

“What we’re seeing is an increase in the evolutionary pace of IED (improvised explosive device) design. It’s increasing at a pace we previously haven’t seen.” 

       - Ben Venzke
