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Saudi Arabia

Dohaha, Slippery Oil Prices Laugh at Nearly Everyone

Dohaha, Slippery Oil Prices Laugh at Nearly Everyone

by David Haggith from The Great Recession Blog


As predicted relentlessly here, the scuttled meeting in Doha to limit oil production broke up with no agreement at all. The meeting foundered like a tanker snagged in the dessert sands because of the singular obvious factor that should have sunken all hope weeks ago but did not: Saudi Arabia said, “No deal without Iran.”


Doha disaster predictable yet not the disaster that was predicted


In "Unprecedented Snub", Saudi Arabia Demands "Recalibration Of Relationship" With U.S.

In "Unprecedented Snub", Saudi Arabia Demands "Recalibration Of Relationship" With U.S.

As Obama concludes his fourth and supposedly final meeting to Saudi Arabia as U.S. president, the White House was quick to explain where relations with the Saudi Kingdom lay, and as CNN reported this morning, moved to tamp down suggestions that ties with Saudi Arabia are fraying, with administration officials saying that President Barack Obama "really cleared the air" with King Salman at a meeting Wednesday.

The Smoking Gun: "Document 17" Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11

The Smoking Gun: "Document 17" Links Saudi Embassy In Washington To Sept 11

With the topic of Saudi Arabia's involvement in the Sept 11 attack on everyone's lips, if certainly not those of president Obama who is currently in Riyadh where he is meeting with members of Saudi royalty in what may be his last trip to the Saudi nation as US president, many have been clamoring for the information in the suddenly notorious "28-pages" (following the recent 60 Minutes episode) to be released to the public so the US population can finally relegate all those "conspiracy theories" surrounding the real perpetrator behind the Sept 11 terrorist attack to the "conspiracy fact" pile

The Saudi 9/11 Blackmail Explained: The K-Street Lobby Racketeers Have It Covered

The Saudi 9/11 Blackmail Explained: The K-Street Lobby Racketeers Have It Covered

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Although scores of us in the alternative media world have been discussing the obvious links between Saudi Arabia and the attacks of 9/11 for many years, this reality has only now started to enter the mainstream consciousness due to a recent report on 60 Minutes.

Saudi Arabia Admitted To John Kerry That It Created ISIS... But There Is A Twist

Saudi Arabia Admitted To John Kerry That It Created ISIS...  But There Is A Twist

On the day Barack Obama is kowtowing to his Saudi allies, and just days after a senior Obama administration finally made the admission that has been a "conspiracy theory" for years namely that "a lot of the money, the seed money if you will, for what became Al Qaeda, came out of Saudi Arabia," the FT is out with another stunning revelation.

The FT has written an article that supposedly focuses on the US sources of growing diplomatic antipathy between the US and Saudi Arabia. The source of disagreement: the treatment of Iran.
