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Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Warn Of Economic Sanctions If U.S. Publishes 9/11 Secrets

Saudi Arabia have issued a warning to the Obama administration and Congress that it will impose tough economic sanctions on America if they decide to declassify information in the official 9/11 report which implicates the Saudi regime as orchestrating the attacks.  The Saudi regime have said they will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets, if the truth about their role on September 11, 2001, becomes public knowledge.

Saudi Arabia Threatens Economic Fallout If Congress Passes 9/11 Bill

Saudi Arabia has warned it would sell off American assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars if Congress passes a bill allowing the Saudi government to be held responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The warning was delivered by Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir last month during a visit to Washington. However, Riyadh’s resolve to actually deliver on the threat is suspect, as selling off those assets would be technically challenging and would damage the dollar, against which the Saudi national currency is pegged.

And Scene: In Last Minute Iran Pulls Out Of Doha Meeting

The "Doha oil freeze deal" was a farce from the beginning.

It all started with a February 11 Hail Mary attempt by Venezuela to boost oil prices by launching a rumor that oil production would be frozen (ignoring that both Russia, Saudi Arabia and Iraq are already pumping out a record output).

Shockingly, it worked.

Saudi Arabia Threatens To Liquidate Its Treasury Holdings If Congress Probes Its Role In Sept 11 Attacks

Saudi Arabia Threatens To Liquidate Its Treasury Holdings If Congress Probes Its Role In Sept 11 Attacks

Back in January, when the market was watching in shocked silence as oil prices were crashing to decade lows and as concerns emerged that Saudi Arabia may need to commence selling its vast, if unquantified, USD reserves, we wrote a post titled "Attention Finally Turns To Saudi Arabia's "Secret" US Treasury Holdings" where we noted something very surprising: whereas we do know that Saudi Arabia is the owner of the world's third largest USD reserves...

Leaked Documents: Saudi Arabia And Israel Forming Joint Military?

Documents leaked in 2014 from a senior military official linked to the left-wing “Meretz” party, appear to show an aligned military cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia in the Red Sea. What could this mean for the future? From the This agreement is concluded to Saudi Arabia and Israel management on Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Gulf of Aden and the Suez Canal and the Red Sea littoral countries as well.
