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Saudi Arabia

The $2 Trillion Gamble That Saudi Arabia Cannot Win

Submitted by Juan Cole via,

Prince Muhammad Bin Salman, 30, the deputy crown prince of Saudi Arabia laid out his vision for Saudi Arabia on Monday in a plan called “Vision 2030.” He wants to get Saudi Arabia off its oil dependence in only 4 years, by 2020, and wants to diversify the economy into manufacturing and mining.

In an interview with Al Arabiya, the prince said the future of the kingdom would be based on:

Iran's Supreme Leader Accuses Obama Of Lifting Sanctions Only "On Paper"

Iran's Supreme Leader Accuses Obama Of Lifting Sanctions Only "On Paper"

Relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which supposed had thawed as part of Obama's landmark 2015 nuclear deal which also allowed Iran to resume exporting its oil, are once again on the fence following a statement by Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which accused the United States of scaring businesses away from Tehran and undermining a deal to lift international sanctions. 

Obama Blowback & Saudi Arabia's "Real Nuclear Option"

Obama Blowback & Saudi Arabia's "Real Nuclear Option"

Authored by Pepe Escobar, originally posted Op-Ed at,

US President Barack Obama landed in Saudi Arabia for a GCC petrodollar summit and to proverbially “reassure Gulf allies” amidst the oiliest of storms.

The Doha summit this past weekend that was supposed to enshrine a cut in oil production by OPEC, in tandem with Russia – it was practically a done deal – ended up literally in the dust.

The Real Reason Saudi Arabia Killed Doha

Submitted by Rakesh Upadhyay via,

Saudi Arabia single-handedly scuttled the Doha meeting, knowing all along that Iran would not participate, with a valid reason. The Russians and others agreed to proceed without Iran, planning to include them at a later date. So if everything was known beforehand, why did the Saudi’s pour cold water on the aspirations of the remaining members, risking its alienation from Russia and the OPEC community?

Stop Calling the Saudis Our ‘Allies’

Emma Ashford rejects the idea that Saudi Arabia is a “good ally” for the U.S.:

These tensions reflect a basic reality: Saudi Arabia may once have been a good ally, but today the relationship is toxic. Saudi actions are more often negative for U.S. policy objectives than positive. Rather than repairing the relationship, U.S. policymakers should reduce support for Saudi Arabia’s regional agenda.
