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United States

Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias

By Brandon Smith

The most common retort you will encounter from skeptics and dishonest people when it comes to discussing the issue of economic decline, social breakdown and the PROVEN conspiracy of globalist institutions to centralize power under the formation of a worldwide financial system and a world government, is that “It’s all well and good to talk about the problems, but unless you can come up with solutions your analysis is irrelevant.”

Where Do International Students in the U.S. Come From?

Where Do International Students in the U.S. Come From?

The proportion of international students in U.S. higher education institutions has increased steadily, from 1.5% of the country’s total students in the 1960s to 5.5% in the early 2020s.

Using 2022 data from the International Education Exchange (IIE), this visualization from Ehsan Soltani breaks down where these students come from.

The International Student Population

Mapped: The Richest Billionaires in U.S. States

Mapped: The Richest Billionaires in Every U.S. State

The number of billionaires in the U.S. increased 5% compared to last year, going from 720 super wealthy individuals to 775. The richest of the rich are concentrated in states like Texas, California, and New York, but there is almost one billionaire in every single state.

This map uses data from Forbes to showcase the wealthiest billionaire in each state.
