The BBC has come under fire after an “extremely biased” anti-Trump documentary aired on Monday night accusing the President-elect of being a Russian spy. The BBC’s flagship investigative documentary programme Panorama aired a 30-minute show entitled, “Trump: The Kremlin Candidate?” which purported to investigate Trump’s “strange relationship” with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Anti-Trump journalist John Sweeney hosted the show, and explored the so-called “bromance” between the two world leaders. Viewers were left outraged after the programme aired, accusing the BBC of trying to smear the President-elect just days ahead of his inauguration on Jan. 20. reports: One furious viewer tweeted: “I don’t like Trump, but this fanatical anti-Russian propaganda is stupid. “Hillary lost because a lot of people hate her.” Another said: “Panorama or propaganda? Why do I have to pay for your bulls****?” @BBCPanorama @BBCOne Absolute joke of a programme no proof of anything used to be a great programme now just a joke. Fear mongering at its best — luke odlum (@lukeodlum) January 16, 2017 @BBCPanorama More garbage from #BBCbias. Intro shows Trump riding bear chested and kissing Putin. Total demonisation. #BBCpanorama — Free as a Bird (@3domrules) January 16, 2017 According to the corporation’s Editorial Guidelines, the [...]
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