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Brother Bernie Sanders Stands Up For Palestinian Rights

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is willing to be neutral when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict and not allow injustice, suffering and cruelty suffered by either side to go unnoticed. The Vermont Senator has given the momentum needed for the Palestinian suffering that has been ignored for 70 years to be noticed, acknowledged and finally dealt with. The long-term result of which will be justice and peace for all concerned and an end to war profiteering and religious extremism that has plagued the conflict from the outset. Hillary Clinton represents the old school of thought that goes along with the U.S. policy that whatever Israel does is good regardless of the deed. The result of which has so far been outrage and conflict, leaving the ground fertile for war profiteers, weapon salesmen and religious extremists to roam the blessed space where once Jesus, Mohamed and god knows what other heavenly beings once occupied. Bernie Sanders is bringing changes to the Democratic Party’s platform to even the odds for the Palestinians after he experienced the horror of Gaza on his TV and saw the loss of direction of his beloved Israel. Salon reports: Two of the members of the Democratic Party’s platform [...]