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Israeli Forces Arrest Reporter For Iranian TV In The Golan Heights

Israeli military forces have reportedly arrested a correspondent for Iran’s Al-Alam news channel in the occupied Golan Heights. According to a police spokemsan, 43 year old Bassam al-Safadi, a resident of the Druze village of Majdal Shams has been accused of “publishing statements in support of terror groups and incitement to violence or terror”. Press TV reports: His wife said the Israeli forces broke into the home of Bassam al-Safadi in Majdal Shams District on Wednesday morning and violently searched them, causing excessive property damage before detaining the journalist and confiscating his laptop and camera among other pieces of equipment. His whereabouts remain unknown. An Israeli police source claimed Safadi was arrested over “incitement to violence and terrorism.” Later in the day, a court in Nazareth in northern Israel extended his detention until Sunday, the source added. According to Israeli police, the 43-year-old Al-Alam correspondent is being held in Tzalmon prison in northern Israel. Safadi used to file in-depth and influential reports from the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, and earlier had shed light on the Tel Aviv regime’s plots to plunder any economically viable oil reserves located there. His reports that “Israeli authorities steal the Golan’s oil” had caught international attention. Safadi’s [...]