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Scientists Say Real-Life “Unicorn” Roamed Earth 29,000 Years Ago

A fascinating creature known as the Siberian unicorn was thought by scientists to have died out around 350,000 years ago. But the discovery of an almost perfectly preserved skull which was found in Kazakhstan has revealed that the extinct species of mammal – which looked more like a rhino than a horse -was still roaming earth as recently as 29,000 years ago. Science Alert reports: Before we talk about the latest discovery, yes, there was a very real ‘unicorn’ that roamed Earth tens of thousands of years ago, but it was nothing like the one found in your favourite children’s book. (Sorry – it’s a bummer for us, too.) The real unicorn, Elasmotherium sibiricum, was shaggy and huge and looked just like a modern rhino, only it carried the most almighty horn on its forehead. According to early descriptions, the Siberian unicorn stood at roughly 2 metres tall, was 4.5 metres long, and weighed about 4 tonnes. That’s closer to woolly mammoth-sized than horse-sized. Despite its very impressive stature, the unicorn probably was a grazer that ate mostly grass. So, if you want a correct image in your head, think of a fuzzy rhinoceros with one long, slender horn protruding from its face instead [...]