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Trump Sees Strength In Nuclear Weapons, Calls For Common Sense

Ever since the dawn of the atomic age man has faced the problem of proliferation of nuclear weapons and their potential for destroying the world and laying waste to vast swathes of the planet. After their initial use by the U.S. during the end of the second world war to force an unconditional surrender by Japan, nuclear weapons have not been used by either the East or West. Some have argued that as a matter of fact nuclear weapons have managed to keep the peace till now by acting as a deterrent, as all sides in a nuclear conflict face the prospect of mutual assured destruction (MAD). MAD is a doctrine of military strategy and national security policy in which a full-scale use of nuclear weapons by two or more opposing sides would cause the complete annihilation of both the attacker and the defender. That doctrine is now being replaced with another that sees strength in nukes, and their potential first-strike capability to cripple the enemy, or their tactical use in a battlefield against a non-nuclear adversary. President Obama entered office with the promise of ridding the world of these obscene weapons for the sake of his children and grandchildren. [...]

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