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Sweden Introduces Emergency Military Draft For ‘War With Russia’

Sweden have reintroduced the military draft in emergency measures designed to deal with the growing threat of a war with Russia. Both men and women are expected to perform military duty as a conflict between Europe and Russia looks almost certain. “The security environment in Europe and in Sweden’s vicinity has deteriorated and the all-volunteer recruitment hasn’t provided the Armed Forces with enough trained personnel,” the Swedish defense ministry said. “The re-activating of the conscription is needed for military readiness.“ USA Today reports: A defense ministry spokesperson says 4,000 men and women will be called up in July for service beginning in January 2018. They will be drawn from some 13,000 people born in 1999. Marinette Nyh Radebo told the BBC the “security change in our neighborhood” prompted the move by Sweden, which is not a NATO member. “The Russian illegal annexation of Crimea (in 2014), the conflict in Ukraine and the increased military activity in our neighborhood are some of the reasons,” she said. In November, just before the U.S. presidential elections and during NATO exercises in the Baltic, Russian planes repeatedly veered toward NATO airspace. Both Finland and Estonia, which is a NATO member, said aircraft violated their airspace, The Washington Post reported. Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist said he [...]

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