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Dick Cheney Says Russian Meddling in American Election Could Be Considered 'An Act of War'

Congratulations democrats! This is the moment in your life when you come to realize you've become one and the same as everything you've always hated about humanity. You and Dick Cheney, professional neocon war monger, are in agreement that Russia waged war against America this past election, by way of hacking into John Podesta's email box and then providing that information to Wikileaks to publish and help humiliate an already beleaguered democratic party.

Bear in mind, the black hats in the CIA have yet to actually prove to the American people an actual connection between Wikileaks and the Russian government. The only evidence they've publicly provided us with is laughable circumstantial evidence -- backed up and supported by a sundry of unnamed sources deep from within our intelligence apparatus. But we should strongly consider going to war with a super nuclear power -- because strategically -- that's the best way to end this charade of humanity once and for all.

But here's Dick Cheney, the man who started it all -- war in the middle east -- which has cost the lives of at least 1.3 million people (some estimate the total deathtoll could be as high as 4 million since the wars began after 9/11). Total treasury expenditure from the American pleb is in excess of $5 trillion -- but it's probably more. Some might say Dick Cheney is the single worst human to walk the face of the earth since Pol Pot.

Nevertheless, he's in agreement that Russian's actions against our 'democratic process', one that was overtly rigged against Bernie Sanders, proven in the Wikileaks, was ian act of war. Fall in line little ducks, poor fat little ducks, and sign up your kids to fight in the coming Moscow offensive --  to defend the honor of John "Pizza map" Podesta.

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