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Spicer Skewers Media For Defending Dr. Farkas, Calls Her Public Admissions of Collecting Intelligence on Trump 'Devastating'

In today's press conference at the White House, Sean Spicer shifted the conversation away from the nothing-burger of who told Chairman Nunes about the Trump team being surveilled by the Obama administration to the public comments made by Dr. Farkas -- the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense specializing in Russia, who said "get as much information as you can" to persons inside the intelligence apparatus -- for the purposes of preserving intel on the Trump team in an effort to hide it from the incoming administration.

Spicer called her comments alone 'devasting' and posited the notion that had the media been treating the Trump administration fairly, they'd be more concerned with the intelligence leaks coming out of the Obama administration -- surveilling Trump and his team -- for reasons that are, indelibly, unclear.

Furthermore, he mentioned Hillary Clinton's paid speaking fees from Russia, selling off 1/5th of America's uranium supplies, and receiving personal phone calls from Vladimir Putin as actual legitimate Russian connections that should raise an eyebrow. In terms of Obama officials admitting to surveilling and safe keeping intelligence on the Trump team, Spicer thinks there was an attempt to do something that was politically motivated and should be investigated.

Immediately following Dr. Farkas' comments were made on the Morning Joe show, revealing that the Obama administration had been surveilling the Trump team, the notion of how she might've come into contact with Trump team intelligence, after she had resigned from the pentagon, became a topic of discussion -- which the media didn't seem to grasp today with Spicer.

Here's Spicer chastising the media for defending Dr. Farkas, instead of asking her questions as to how she had access to Trump intelligence, post resignation, and why she spread classified information in an effort to conceal it from the incoming administration.

Bradley Moss, an attorney who specializes in national security law, tweeted his dismay that Dr. Farkas' public comments had become a topic of discussion, saying "OMG, yadda, yadda, yadda." This is all a big inconvienence for those who'd rather spend their time mocking the President for alleging that Obama had, in fact, ordered 'wiretapping' done on him and his team. It's even more troubling for them to learn, after the fact, that everything the President said was true.

Nevertheless, Dr. Farkas agreed with Moss, tweeting 'Amen Brother. Who benefits from this fake news? R-U-S-S-I-A.'

Using her logic, anything that doesn't impugn the character of the President of the United States, any defense for the rule of law as it pertains to the illegal transfer of classified documents and unmasking of persons, is, in fact, aiding and abetting the Russian government. In other words, she believes, arrogantly, that she is above the law -- because she's fighting the good fight against Mother Russia -- defeating it for a second time in a renewed cold war.


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