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Obama Escalates Tensions With Russia As Media Keeps Quiet

Retired professor of Russian studies and history at Princeton, Stephen F. Cohen, warns that a nuclear war between Russia and the West looms on the horizon. The Pentagon has announced that it will quadruple US-NATO military forces in countries verging on Russia’s borders. The move by the Obama Administration to have the two opposing forces so close to each other would then necessitate a response from Russia. The presstitute media and the U.S. presidential campaigns prefer to ignore this dire international dilemma. The cost of ignorance could lead to a possible nuclear confrontation and an actual war. Stephen F. Cohen, contributing editor of The Nation and professor emeritus of Russian studies, history, and politics at New York University and Princeton University talks on the John Batchelor Show. (scroll down to listen) The Nation reports: This installment focuses on the Pentagon’s announcement that it will quickly quadruple the positioning of US-NATO heavy military weapons and troops near Russia’s eastern borders. The result, Cohen argues, will further militarize the new Cold War, making it more confrontational and likely to lead to actual war with Russia. The move is unprecedented in modern times. Except during Nazi Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union, Western military [...]