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Russia Accuses President Obama Of Undermining US Democracy

A Russian politician has come out in defence of democracy, arguing that the only person who undermined American democracy in recent years was President Obama and not Putin. In a series of tweets on Friday, the head of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs, Alexei Pushkov, argued that U.S. democracy was undermined by the Obama administration and the media – not by a Russian hacking campaign. The Blaze reports: In a series of tweets late Friday, Russian Senator Alexey Pushkov criticized the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion about Russian hacking into the 2016 election, while offering criticism of Obama. “The U.S. democratic process was undermined not by Russia, but by the Obama administration and mass media, which supported Clinton over Trump,” Pushkov tweeted, according to a translation from Russian to English by The Hill. “The danger to democracy is within U.S. itself,” he added, accusing Obama of being responsible for Republicans’ growing trust of Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Демокр. процесс в США подрывала не Россия, а адм.Обамы и СМИ, к-ые поддерживали Клинтон против Трампа. Угроза демократии – внутри самих США. — Алексей Пушков (@Alexey_Pushkov) January 6, 2017 Глава МО США обвинил Путина в плохих отн. США и России. Обама взял [...]

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