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UK police

British Police Are Not Taking Child Sex Abuse Seriously -Report

Children who report violent and sexual crimes are not being taken seriously by UK police according to Britain’s victims’ commissioner Baroness Newlove warned that authorities are failing young people who come forward with stories of violent or sexual abuse making them feel like criminals themselves. In a review due to be published on Wednesday she found children and teenagers were made to feel like criminals themselves, accused of wasting police time or simply not believed.

Police: George Michael ‘Probably’ Murdered

Detectives investigating the death of George Michael say it is looking increasingly likely that the singer was murdered.  According to UK police investigating George Michael’s unexplained death, they wish to speak to a number of “mystery visitors” seen visiting the star in his final hours. According to a post-mortem, the Wham! star’s death remains “inconclusive,” which has led to the delay of funeral arrangements being made while police investigate whether foul-play was involved.